Christmas Shoebox Appeal FAQ

What is the Christmas Shoebox Appeal?

The Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal is an annual campaign where thousands of people across Ireland donate shoeboxes filled with gifts for children affected by poverty in Africa or Eastern Europe. It is an opportunity to share a little joy and excitement with children who live in circumstances where these can often be in short supply. 

How can I get involved?

Building a Shoebox has never been easier! You can either build your box at home or online.  

To build your box at home you’ll need to wrap a shoebox in colourful paper, fill it with items for a child and then drop it off at one of our many drop off points. We also request a donation of €5 to cover the costs associated with getting your box to a child.  

Or if you’d prefer, you can build your box online and we’ll do the work for you. You can use the fun box builder to select the items you’d like to see in a box, donate €25 and we’ll ensure that a box full of lovely gifts gets to child! 

You can team up with family, friends, neighbours or colleagues to try to raise as many boxes, and help as many children, as possible! You can order promotional materials such as leaflets and posters here or you can download our digital leaflet here 

What can I put in my Shoebox?

We like to ensure that every shoebox is filled with items from the 4W’s – something to Wash with, something to Write with, something to Wear and something to make a child go Wow! If you’re filling your box at home we have lots of ideas of things to include on our website and social media! We ask you not to include scary or war related items, liquids, large clothes or food (other than sweets!). You can find a list of things to include and things not to include here 

If you’ve donated your box online Team Hope will ensure that it is filled with items from the 4W’s. You can use the fun box builder to select the items you’d like to see in a box before donating €25 and we’ll ensure that a box full of lovely gifts gets to child! 

When is the deadline for the Christmas Shoebox Appeal?

The deadline to get your boxes to us is Sunday 10th November

The final date that shoeboxes can be donated online is 23rd December

What if I can’t find a shoebox?

This year Flat Pack Shoeboxes* will be on sale in Dealz and PepCo Stores nationwide and in Poundland Stores in Northern Ireland. You can buy a pack of 3 for €6 and a portion of sales will go to support Team Hope’s work.

*Your flat pack shoeboxes state the recommended donation per box as €4 as they were printed in 2022. While we would really appreciate this donation, the recommendation for 2024 is €5 due to the substantially increased cost of shipments.

Team Hope is also able to facilitate bulk orders of Flat Pack Shoeboxes online, if you’d like to buy a large quantity of flat pack shoeboxes to fill together with your business, church, school, club, local community or extended family. If you are interested please contact us at

How can I follow Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal online?

You can follow the latest news and updates from Team Hope on: 
Facebook at 
Twitter at @TeamHopeIreland 
Instagram at @TeamHopeIreland 

Or using the campaign hashtags 



How do I personalise my online box?

If you want to donate online you will be able to build-a-box choosing items from the 4W’s that you would like to add into your ‘ideal’ box. These gifts are based on Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal’s 4Ws – Wash, Write, Wear and Wow. 

Where can I drop my shoebox off?

There are over 400 drop off locations across the country, in particular all Dealz Poundland and PepCo stores, as well as First Stop and Toymaster branches around Ireland. A full list of all our drop off points will be available here from the 21st October.  

Why has the requested donation per Christmas Shoebox increased from €4 to €5?

As a result of high increases in our international shipping costs we have had to request an increase in donation per Christmas Shoebox from €4 to €5 in 2023. The increase in international shipping costs (by 25% in 2022) was the main reason for this increase. This donation goes towards the cost of making the whole Shoebox Appeal programme happen, including promotion, transport and delivering your box to each child.

How much does it cost to donate a shoebox online?

The cost of donation a shoebox online is €25. You can donate your box here 

I can’t donate a full box, can I still help?

Yes, there are lots of ways you can donate to make a box. This year we’re encouraging everyone to take part in whatever way they can. This could be through getting together with friends to make boxes together, helping promote the Appeal or running a fundraiser to make online boxes. Any donation, no matter how small will help us get as many boxes as possible. Feel free to get in touch with us at if you’d like to get involved or make a donation but aren’t sure how! 

Can I volunteer with the Christmas Shoebox Appeal?

Yes please! We have up to 50 volunteer teams across the country who are active between mid-September to early December. They are often looking for more help to promote the Appeal or to collect and check the shoeboxes.  You can find details of your local team leader on this page or email – we look forward to hearing from you! 

How are the Christmas Shoeboxes delivered?

Team Hope works with trusted locally-based partners in the countries where shoeboxes are delivered, many of which we have been working with for many years. Once you have dropped off your box at a drop off point, our Irish volunteers will check it for any items that shouldn’t be included before packing them onto trucks or in shipping containers where they are sent directly to our partners in recipient countries to distribute.

For boxes donated online Team Hope’s partners will purchase items in the countries in which they work and assemble boxes to give to children. Team Hope will endeavour to ensure gift items selected online are purchased. However, in some cases due to local needs or availability, this may not be exactly possible.

Team Hope has clear guidelines for distributing shoeboxes which include requirements for partners to report in detail on the distribution of shoeboxes and the funds spent to create them.

What does the donation for a Christmas Shoebox cover?

For boxes donated at our drop offs we request a donation of €5. This donation goes towards the cost of making the whole Shoebox Appeal programme happen, including promotion, transport and delivering your box to each child. With increased costs this year, especially for transporting boxes, your €5 is very important.  

For boxes donated online, your €25 covers the purchase of shoebox contents, based on the 4W’s – items to Wash, Write, Wear and Wow, as well as helping to cover the costs mentioned above.  

If there are any surplus funds, they are used for Team Hope’s on-going development work with children, their families and communities. Details of this work alongside Team Hope’s annual audited accounts can be found on the About Us page

What happens once I drop my box off?

After you drop off your box it will be collected by one of our local volunteer teams. Our volunteers check all the shoeboxes to make sure there are no unsafe or inappropriate items and afterwards seal them with Team Hope tape – the next time they will be opened is by a child! They are then cartoned and loaded onto trucks to be sent to a country in Africa or Eastern Europe where our local partners will give it straight into the hands of a child.  


Team Hope seeks to honour the donor in all circumstances and as a result does not split up boxes unless in extremely exceptional circumstances (i.e. the box is simply too large to send!). 

Where do your Christmas Shoeboxes go?

This year, Team Hope aims to send Shoebox gifts to children in Romania, Transnistria (Moldova), Kosova, Ukraine, Albania, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Eswatini, Malawi, Kenya and Rwanda. 

Team Hope will continue to send shoeboxes to Ukraine to children affected by the ongoing war, as long as it remains logistically possible. 


Who are the shoeboxes given to?

Shoeboxes are given to children, aged 2-14 years, in countries in Africa and Eastern Europe. 

Shoeboxes are given to children who are most vulnerable. In many cases this means children who are living in poverty. These are identified with the help of charities, local churches or with the help of the local government.

 Criteria used to identify vulnerable children includes:

  • Children from families affected by poverty (i.e. low income or unemployed households)
  • Children from single parent families, or with ill parents
  • Children with no living parents
  • Children living with disabilities or illness
  • Children from ethnic or social groups facing discrimination
  • Children living in institutions (e.g. orphanages, groups homes etc.)

How will my child’s school know they’ve done an online shoebox?

If your child’s school is doing the Christmas Shoebox Appeal but you’d rather donate a box online, your receipt can be printed and brought in to class.

How much money goes on actual charitable activities?

In our most recent audited accounts for 2023/24, 93% of Team Hope’s expenditure was spent on direct charitable activities and the remaining 7% covered support costs, governance and the cost of raising funds.

What does being a Christian Charity mean?

Team Hope, like many other organisations, has been motivated to help others based on the beliefs in the Christian tradition, which are compassion, social justice and the inherent value and dignity of all people. In line with these beliefs, we ensure that shoeboxes are given to children based on need alone, regardless of race, religion, political affiliation etc., and with nothing asked for in return.