First Shoeboxes!
The first of this year’s Christmas shoeboxes are being put together as we speak!!
Rwanda and Transistria were the first country to have been sent their Christmas Shoebox donations and are busy preparing the boxes!
They receive a list of items you’ve chosen on our build-a-box page! The most popular item has been the TOOTHBRUSH and TOOTHPASTE!
Once the Christmas Shoeboxes are made up, your colouring pages will be added! Keep an eye out for them when we start posting the pictures we receive back!
COVID19 has had a devastating effect on our partner countries and this year, more than ever, your shoebox will make a massive difference to the child who will receive it.
Thank you so much!
If you haven’t gotten around to sending yours yet, don’t worry! You can send one up until December 23rd!