173,563 Thank You’s!
Last year, with your help, we sent a phenomenal 173,563 Christmas Shoebox gifts to children across 12 countries in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Here you can read the stories from some of the children, see how much your Christmas Shoebox gift really meant to them and how it brought joy, happiness and hope to their lives.
Christmas Shoebox Stories
Kuzma in Ukraine
This is Kuzma and he is four years old. Kuzma was so happy and excited even before he opened his Christmas Shoebox. Inside he found a treasure trove of gifts which he immediately started picking up to show everyone. He especially loved the toy football he found. He loves football!
Daniel in Burundi
This is Daniel and he is 5 years old. Daniel couldn’t wait until he got home to open his Christmas Shoebox, he opened it straight away. His face lit up when he found a watch. He always wanted a watch. He felt ‘very cool’. He couldn’t stop showing everyone and telling them the time. Daniel was so thankful for making his dream come true.
Isaac in Rwanda
This is Isaac and he is 10 years old. He lives with his mum. He felt so special the day he received his Christmas gifts. He especially loved the picture of the family from Ireland that donated online so he could receive his Christmas gift last year.
Amelia in Albania
Amelia is 3 years old. This picture was taken one day after she got to go home from a stay in hospital with a very bad flu. She had such a big smile on her face saying thank you for her Christmas Shoebox.
Download the Poster!
See where the 2022 Christmas Shoeboxes on our printable poster!
you can download and print in any size for your noticeboard!
Every Shoebox Matters
Thanks to your outstanding donations we were able to send 173,563 shoebox gifts to children in 12 countries across Eastern Europe and Africa as part of the 2022 Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Of these twelve countries, three countries are receiving shoeboxes from those who built their shoeboxes online. For many of these children, this is the only gift they will have received this Christmas.
We know every box contains cherished items that can transform a child’s life; a simple pen and notebook could be the passport that a child needs to be able to walk across the threshold of a school building and start their journey through the education system. Similarly, a scarf and a wholly hat can keep the cold at bay on cold winter nights while the day brings great joy through the teddy bear, doll or toy that can be found in a Christmas shoebox.
By building a box last year, you have made a huge difference in a child’s life. Above and below are some of the stories we have received from our in-country partners, who we work with all year round, which explain how you have changed lives by donating your gift. The stories and pictures we receive from them are just a small sample of the impact you have made. Please remember, it’s not just the individual children’s lives you are touching – your kindness spreads to the families and communities around them as well. Through the giving of a shoebox we sometimes find areas where we can help even more and with advice from our Partners, who know the areas best, we can support and develop projects to help turn around the lives of those families and, hopefully, improve their opportunities and futures. The ripple effect you start with your shoebox gift can never be under-estimated.
Christmas Shoebox Stories
Christmas Shoebox Stories
Rebekah in D.R. Congo
This is Rebekah and she is 8 years old. Rebekah couldn’t wait to open her Christmas Shoebox. She took out each gift and laid them all out in front of her. She was so happy to get copy books and pens which could then be used for school. She was so thankful to the family in Ireland that made her Christmas Shoebox.
Nastia in Ukraine
This is Nastia and she is ten years old. Nastia couldn’t believe her Christmas Shoebox. So much love and thought had been put into it. In her shoebox she found a beautifully colourful hat which was hand knitted just for her. She was so grateful for her shoebox, especially the yummy marshmallows she found!
Elijah in Burkina Faso
This is Elijah and he is 12 years old. He lives with his mum, his brother and his sister. He is so grateful to the family that made his shoebox and everyone that works hard to give children like him such beautiful gifts. Thanks to the school supplies in his shoebox he will now be able to attend school! One day Elijah would like to become an engineer.
Ion in Transnistria
This is Ion and he is five years old. He lives with his sister, mother and grandmother. Ion was overjoyed at getting his Christmas Shoebox. He especially loved his toy cars. He was so surprised to get not one but five cars. He proudly and joyfully showed everyone his shoebox gifts.
Team Hope’s Year Round Work
Team Hope works all year round with our overseas partners, aiming to build strong, safe and progressive environments for vulnerable children. Through our sustainable development initiatives, we address poverty, hunger, clean water, healthcare, education and the empowerment of women and children.