Helping vulnerable children overseas

Team Hope is an Irish, Christian and child-focused international development organisation. Founded in 2010, we work in Africa and Eastern Europe to help children affected by poverty or marginalisation.

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

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Donate €25 now

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Thank you so much! You have made 171,675 children smile.

Team Hopes Work in Communities

Read all about the work Team Hope is doing in communities all year round

Thank You!

Your Christmas Shoeboxes have gone to children 13 countries across Africa and Eastern Europe!

Boy smiling holding a pack of 5 toys cars.

Read the stories

Read the stories of children who have received Christmas Shoeboxes 

Changing Communities

Our Team dreams big. We work in communities in 14 countries across Africa and Eastern Europe. By working to empower communities and help children, we give roots to societies to grow, develop and flourish.

How can my school help?

School involvement is very important to us as we truly believe that by engaging children and students, developing their awareness and giving them opportunities to act, they will grow to be compassionate and giving. From pre-school to secondary school, there are lots of ways for your class to get involved.

Confirming Hope

For children doing their confirmation, this program helps students explore how they can make a difference both locally and globally.

Tell me more

Christmas Shoebox Appeal

Every child deserves to feel the magic of Christmas with our Christmas Shoebox Appeal.

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Recent news

2024 Christmas Shoebox Appeal: THANK YOU!

In 2024, with your help, we sent an incredible 171,675 Christmas Shoebox gifts to children across 13 countries in Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. Here you can read the stories from some of the children, see how much your Christmas Shoebox gift really meant to them and how it brought joy, happiness and hope to their lives.
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Where Your Christmas Shoeboxes Went!

Your Christmas Shoeboxes left from every corner of the country in November and December, loaded up by incredible volunteers! Have a look through the list to find out where your Christmas Shoebox has gone!
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Espérance’s Chance at Hope 

By being part of this project Espérance is now able to offer her children a more healthy, safe and secure life and an education that will give them more opportunities to become parents who can do the same and more for their own children. 
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